Configuring MS SQL Server

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These are the requisites for Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server Analytics to use MS SQL Server:


1. An MS SQL Server 2005 (or higher) installation that is accessible from the machine running Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server.

2. Create a blank database with permissions to Create/Modify tables and Read/Insert/Update data.

3. Go to the 'Permissions' tab in the Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server Manager, and press the 'Configure Analytics' button:



Choose 'Microsoft SQL Server'.


4. Access the Microsoft SQL Server Data Link Properties and configure the connection:




4.1 Enter the server name and complete the information to log in to the server.

4.2 Uncheck the 'Blank password' field and check the 'Allow saving password' field.

4.3 Select the database created in step 2.


5. Go to the 'All' tab:



5.1 Set the 'Persist Security Info' property to 'True'.

5.2 Type the password in the 'Password' field.



Read more:

Analytics tables references