External Authentication

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Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server incorporates a mechanism to validate users in a corporate environment so that the user will not need to authenticate every time they access Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server.


How to authenticate against Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server from external applications:


The authentication against Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server can be done using:


username and password or
username and an ApiKey.


Every time you call Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server, you can send within its URL the authentication information. The URL format to authenticate this way is presented below:


http[s]://[username]:[password or apikey]@




The External Authentication requires the option "Use Standard browser authentication dialog" to be set as true.





Whether the authentication is done using password or apikey, the secrecy of this data is indispensable. That is why Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server enables external applications to dynamically negotiate a key to use the Diffie Hellman Key Exchange method for posterior encryption.


Read more:





Learn also about these single-sign-on methods Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server is compatible with:

