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In the Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server manager 'Folders' tab you will find the following options:






Temporary Folders

(root path)

The temporary folders are used to keep temporary files such as:

- Printed documents

- Files uploaded from the remote machine

- Files copied into the mapped intermediate disks


The default root path location is shown on the image above. You may need to modify the temporary folders to another disk location in case you have intensive files exchange or also, if users start using the intermediate disks as their personal storage folder.

Credentials for network shares only


The Windows credentials you want to use when authenticating to the network temporary folder.


You can check those credentials with the "Test" button.


Shared Folders

A Shared Folder is a directory that will be set as one mapped disk inside the remote desktop connection. They are accessible by all Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server users/profiles as a disk in the remote connection and also as a File Transfer location.


Add: Click on the 'Add' button  and inform the directory to be shared, in order to create a new shared folder.

Remove: Select an existing folder and click on the 'Remove' button.

Network User

Sets a valid Windows Active Directory user for accessing the "Shared folders" being published.


Always remember to press 'Apply' in order to save the changes.



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