Files Location

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We recommend that you create a new folder in order to keep the customized files instead of leaving it all together with the original ones. On doing so, you will:


a) Have the possibility to get back to the original interface configuration, at anytime

b) Make sure that your files will be safe after a version upgrade.


You can also choose whether to place the files inside or outside the webroot structure. Read next, how each option will behave differently.


Inside the webroot :


When the directory that will keep the customized files is created inside the webroot directory:


1) The files will be accessible externally from a URL similar to:


2) The paths to the files, indicated in the "WebAliases.ini", can be relative to the webroot directory. (e.g. "/img/ThinRDPSmall.png=BrandingFiles\MyLogo.png"). You will find other relative path examples on the topics Changing the logo and Customizing the web files.


HTML5, Web-based RDP remote desktop control customize


Outside the webroot :


The customized files, can also be placed in any other disk location. In that case:


1) The files will be protected, because it won't be possible to access the customized files from a URL.

2) The paths to the files, indicated in the "WebAliases.ini" have to be absolute, as shown in the example below:








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