Accessing the App from the Web


Follow the next steps to access registered applications using the web browser:


1. Open your preferred web browser.


2. Type in the application URL. This URL is composed of the server URL plus the Virtual Path configured for the application, i.e. http://your-machine:6580/MyApp/


   Alternatively, leave the Virtual Path as the root path using just http://your-machine:6580/. In this case, a page with the list of applications will show up, unless you have set a profile to be the default application, in which case you will be connected to the Default Application.



WebFMX Firemonkey HTML5, Web-based remote control browser start page



a. Check the 'Open in a new browser window' option if you want the application to be opened in another tab.


b. Click on the corresponding icon of the application you want to access.


3. Authenticated users can log out with the 'Logout' button in the top right corner of the web interface.


Read more:

Application Execution Behavior