Creating Registry Redirections

In order to add a registry redirection, right click on one of the Server trees and choose 'Add Redirection'.        



This will bring up the 'Edit Key Redirection' dialog:






Choose 'Shared' if you want this key redirection to apply to all users.

Choose 'Private' if you only want this key redirection to apply to a single user.


Choose the source registry key you want to redirect.


Choose a registry destination key.


Editing Redirections


In order to edit a key redirection, right click on it and choose 'Edit Redirection'.



You will then be able to edit the redirection in the 'Edit Key Redirection' dialog.


Deleting Redirections


In order to delete a redirection, right click on it and choose 'Delete Redirection'.


Read more:

Testing Registry Virtualization
The .vreg Files
File System Virtualization
Implementing Virtualization in Your Application