Creating a connection

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To define a new connection to a mainframe click on Settings/Connection/3270 or 5250 popup item.


       Host Integration Pack TN Bridge C# Delphi ActiveX Development Lab Create a Connection




The following dialog will appear:


Host Integration Pack TN Bridge C# Delphi ActiveX Development Lab Connection Settings


After filling in the appropiate fields you must save the connection by clicking "Save As" button.






Host Address

Host name (DNS) or IP address.


Host Port

Host connection port. Default value to standard telnet port (23).


Keep Alive

Enables keep-alive mechanism, needed for some telnet servers.



Enables generation of telnet communication logs.


Terminal Type

Sets the terminal type.


TN Extended

Enables Extended Telnet protocol (TN3270E or TN5250E).


Terminal Name

Logical unit or device name to be used in this connection.


Table Name

Load the character conversion table from an .ebc file.


Code Page

Allows the selection of an internal character conversion table.


Use Default

Resets the Code Page parameter to its default setting.


Defined connections

Shows and allows to choose previously defined connections.