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Contains a collection of HotSpotGroup tags. Each HotSpotGroup contains a group of HotSpots.
HotSpots MRUName
Indicates last hotspots name used.
Syntax Example:
<HotSpots MRUName="Clemson"/>
HotSpotGroup Name
Specifies the HotSpotGroup's name.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup Name="Clemson"/>
HotSpotGroup StartCol
Specifies the HotSpotGroup's start column number coordinate.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup StartCol="0"/>
HotSpotGroup StartRow
Specifies the HotSpotGroup's start row number coordinate.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup StartRow="0"/>
HotSpotGroup EndCol
Specifies the HotSpotGroup's end column number coordinate.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup EndCol="0"/>
HotSpotGroup EndRow
Specifies the HotSpotGroup's end row number coordinate.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup EndRow="0"/>
HotSpotGroup ViewAs
Indicates the HotSpotGroup's shape. This shape can be: None, Plain, Button or Link.
Syntax Example:
<HotspotGroup ViewAs=""/>