Register Developer and Runtime License

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If you downloaded TN Bridge Host Integration Pack's Trial Version from our web site or a distribution site and you have already purchased a license, you must follow these steps in order to register the product:


You received two registered license files:




Important: If you used a trial license, erase all the old files before entering the new one, to prevent license corruption.


How to register your TNBridge Host Integration Pack license:


1) The developer license file (Cybele.TnBridge.Design.xml) must be saved into the "windows" directory and

where the Cybele.TnBridge.Vcl.dll assembly is located.


2) Additionally, the runtime license must be set by code passing the whole xml string as parameter of the

Cybele.TNBridge.License.SetRuntimeKey method.


* C# example on  how to embed the runtime code:


Example 1, point to the runtime file:



Example 2, embed the code like this (replace with your own code, this is just an example):

Cybele.TNBridge.License.SetRuntimeKey("<License Type=\"RUNTIME\" Serial=\"TNBN-TR35-0505-070315-797313\">"+

"<User Name=\"Your User\" Company=\"Your Company\" Email=\"\" />"+

"<Period First=\"03/15/2007\" Last=\"04/14/2007\" />"+

"<Version Low=\"3.5\" High=\"3.5\" />"+

"<Limitations Users=\"5\" Connections=\"5\" />"+

"<Signature xmlns=\"\">"+

" <SignedInfo>"+

" <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=\"\" />"+

" <SignatureMethod Algorithm=\"\" />"+

" <Reference URI=\"\">" +

" <Transforms>"+

" <Transform Algorithm=\"\" />"+

" </Transforms>"+

" <DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\" />"+

" <DigestValue>gBffCpUytqZL7qEfZYBsPOQHx+w=</DigestValue>"+

" </Reference>"+

" </SignedInfo>"+







* VB.NET example on how to embed the runtime code:


Example 1, point to the runtime file:



Example 2, embed the code like this (replace with your own code, this is just an example):

Cybele.TNBridge.License.SetRuntimeKey("<License Type=""RUNTIME"" Serial=""TNBN-TR35-0505-070315-797313"">" &

vbNewLine & _

"<User Name=""Your User"" Company=""Your Company"" Email="""" />" & vbNewLine & _

"<Period First=""03/15/2007"" Last=""04/14/2007"" />" & vbNewLine & _

"<Version Low=""3.5"" High=""3.5"" />" & vbNewLine & _

"<Limitations Users=""5"" Connections=""5"" />" & vbNewLine & _

"<Signature xmlns="""">" & vbNewLine & _

" <SignedInfo>" & vbNewLine & _

" <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="""" />" & vbNewLine & _

" <SignatureMethod Algorithm="""" />" & vbNewLine & _

" <Reference URI="""">" & vbNewLine & _

" <Transforms>" & vbNewLine & _

" <Transform Algorithm="""" />" & vbNewLine & _

" </Transforms>" & vbNewLine & _

" <DigestMethod Algorithm="""" />" & vbNewLine & _

" <DigestValue>gBffCpUytqZL7qEfZYBsPOQHx+w=</DigestValue>" & vbNewLine & _

" </Reference>" & vbNewLine & _

" </SignedInfo>" & vbNewLine & _



AzexAWGHJivAw0uEXRJg5wjyX7QR0i7ZsA51SaSRp26IofgGl+OLOJ/DCoHaAAE+n28e9A2LDugAAAI=</SignatureValue>" & vbNewLine

& _

"</Signature>" & vbNewLine & _
