The PressAndWait method |
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The PressAndWait method acts like Press method, but it blocks the code execution waiting until the system gets unlocked.
VB.NET tnxxxx.PressAndWait (aidKey as AidKey) tnxxxx.PressAndWait (aidKey As String)
C# tnxxxx.PressAndWait (AidKey aidKey); tnxxxx.PressAndWait (string aidKey);
The following graphic shows the sequence of actions corresponding to the synchronous PressAndWait method:
VB.NET: Private Sub cmdLogin_Click(eventSender As object, eventArgs As System.EventArgs) ' this code sets userId in Field located at Row 10 Column 2 tn3270.EditFields["R10C2"].Data = "puser" ' this code sets the password in Field located at Row 12 Column 2 tn3270.EditFields["R12C2"].Data = "k2156" ' this code sends the ENTER Attention Identifier Key along with all modified EditFields tn3270.Press("Enter") End Sub
C#: private void cmdLogin_Click(object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { // this code sets userId in Field located at Row 10 Column 2 tn3270.EditFields["R10C2"].Data = "puser"; // this code sets the password in Field located at Row 12 Column 2 tn3270.EditFields["R12C2"].Data = "k2156"; // this code sends the ENTER Attention Identifier Key along with all modified EditFields tn3270.PressAndWait("Enter"); }