WaitForNewUnlock Method

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This method waits until a new system unlock arrives within the specified period of time.


VB.NET Syntax


[Boolean] = tnxxxx.WaitForNewUnlock ([TimeOut As Integer])


C# Syntax


[bool] = tnxxxx.WaitForNewUnlock ([int TimeOut]);


The TimeOut parameter is measured in milliseconds.





This method is similar to WaitForUnlock method except that it always waits for a new system unlock arrival.

The Timeout parameter is optional, assuming the WaitTimeout property value by default. This method returns True if the wait was successful and False if the timeout period has expired.

If you pass a timeout value in the Timeout parameter of this method, the value of the property WaitTimeout will not have any effect.


See also WaitTimeout property and WaitForUnlock method.





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