Using Tn Pools |
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TN BRIDGE Host Integration Pack allows persisting Tn3270/5250 objects in a Pools that are available in the whole application domain.
The method used to acquire a Tn object from the pool is:
VB.NET Shared tnxxxx.FromPool(poolId as String,[sessionId as String],[InactivityTimeout as Integer])
C# static tnxxxx.FromPool(string poolId,[string sessionId],[int InactivityTimeout]);
This method is static (shared) and it returns a Tn from the Pool with the name poolId and optionally identified by SessionId parameter. In case of no Tn object is available, it returns a new Tn object which is also added to the pool.
The Tn object must be released by using the method:
VB.NET tnxxxx.Release()
C# tnxxxx.Release();
Persisting telnet objects in pools allows to: