Setting up an IBM Mainframe or AS/400 Connection

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This page will guide you through the process of creation an IBM Mainframe or IBM AS/400 connection profile in the web user interface.





Inform the 'Connection Name' and select 'IBM Mainframe' or 'IBM AS/400' as the host type. Choose whether it will be a Display, Printer, or 'Both' (display and printer) type of connection.

You can also better describe the connection by filling the 'Description' field and add an image to visually identify it. Choose between a Display, Printer, or Display and Printer connection type.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation TN3270 TN5250 IBM Mainframe AS/400 Connection Name Description






Enter the URL or IP address of the host you want to connect to and the port.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation TN3270 TN5250 IBM Mainframe AS/400 Connection Host Extended Keep Alive SSL Firewall Backup




Display Type



These are the Display tab options for an IBM Mainframe connection.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation TN3270 IBM Mainframe Connection Display Type Extended Attributes Device Name Suffix Graphic Escape Characters





These are the Display tab options for an AS/400 connection.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation TN5250 AS/400 Connection Display Extended Attributes SYSREQ Command Dialog Device Name Suffix Invalid Characters Null






If you are creating a 'display' or 'both' (display and printer) type of connection, specify the device name.


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 Terminal Emulation Connection Edit SSL TSL Server Certificate Display Accept Invalid Expired Valid Self Signed Client Root CA Key File


After that, click on 'Apply', 'Save' or 'Connect'.



Read More:

Editing an IBM Mainframe or AS/400 Connection
Creating a Connection