Appendix E - Programming Reference for Macros

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When a macro is created through z/Scope Anywhere interface, it will be stored in a JavaScript file that can be placed in two different locations, depending on the installation mode used:


Desktop Mode


On this installation mode, the macro will be stored on:


C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Cybele Software\zScope7


1. Inside this directory there will be one folder for each existing connection, and their name will follow a format that looks like this: "EB088A84-C46D-4882-90B3-15BD0A6A26D0C"


2. Open these connections folders and look for a file that has the same name as the macro you are looking for


3. If the macro's name were "Navigation" for example, the file name would be "Navigation.js".



Server Mode


When the application is installed as server mode, the macros will be stored on:


C:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\zScope7\[UserName]


1. Inside this directory there will be subdirectories for each existing connection. Their name stands for the connection ID and will have a format that looks like this:  "EB088A84-C46D-4882-90B3-15BD0A6A26D0C"


2. Open each one of these connections folders and look for a file that has the same name as the macro you are looking for.


3. If the macro's name were "Navigation" for example, the file name would be "Navigation.js".


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation Note

If you have the server mode you can make the macros Public by moving their containing connection folder from the user folder to C:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\zScope7\




The macro's execution sequence can be manually modified as long as the person who will do it is familiar with the JavaScript language and understands the macro structure, as well as the methods and properties used to communicate with the emulation screen.



Related Topics


Macro feature
Macro Script File Structure
Methods and Properties
Integrating a login macro