Authentication modes

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There are two authentication modes on z/Scope Anywhere: Active Directory and Google Account Integration. They are not mutually exclusive, so that you can use them both at the same time.


Active Directory


Users can always authenticate with their Active Directory accounts, as long as their credentials are registered in the Active Directory where z/Scope Server is deployed.

This active directory integration comes automatically set on z/Scope Anywhere and there is no need to configure any setting to make it work.


Desktop Mode

If you have selected the "Desktop mode" on the installation, the application will authenticate automatically using the active desktop logged user.

On this mode, there will be only one set of personal preferences and any user who connect to this z/Scope will share the same personal settings.


Server Mode

If the "Server mode" was selected during the installation, the browser will always ask for new credentials.

This mode allows each user to have their personal preferences saved separately on the server. That way, users can connect to z/Scope Anywhere from many different places and have the environment whenever they go.


Google Account Integration


Users can also authenticate using their Google Accounts, when z/Scope was installed with the server mode.

This kind of authentication requires the system administrator to configure a few settings on z/Scope Anywhere and on Google Apps servers.

If you want to learn how to configure the Google Accounts Integration feature, read the Appendix C - Google Account Integration.



Learn also, how to restrict Users/Groups access to connections, with the Settings Profiles.