Web Link Profile Editor

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The Web Link Profile Editor is the tool to create, configure and edit Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server Web Links.


The first thing you have to consider is if you want to create an RDP Profile, a Web Link profile or an RD Web Access Profile.

These options are represented by the 'RDP Profile'/'Web Link'/'RD Web Access' radio button.


- An RDP Profile: is a Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server connection to a machine or an application. Read More.

- A Web Link profile: is a link to an external website of your choice, which will be presented along with the profiles to the user.

- An RD Web Access: is an administrator profile to populate Microsoft RD Web Access remote apps and desktops links in the user view. Read More.


This sections explains the Web Link Profile Editor, so if you are here and you want to create an RDP Profile, check the 'RDP Profile' radio button and read about the RDP Profile Editor and if you want to create an RD Web Access profile, check the 'RD Web Access' option and read about the RD Web Access Editor.



Thinfinity Remote Desktop Server HTML5, Web-based RDP desktop remote control manager profiles editor


These are the profile properties you can edit:



Use this field to change the profile name.

Virtual Path

This field is not applicable for Web Link profiles.

Access Key

Used in combination with Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server SDK to access this profile.

New Key

Change the Access Key to disable access through the current key and provide access through a new one.


Click on the Icon gray box to load an image to be associated with the profile. The image will be presented along with the profile name on the web interface profiles selection.

Web link /

RDP Profile/ RD Web Access

Select the 'RDP Profile' option to have a regular profile that connects to a remote machine or application through RDP (read about the RDP Profile Editor). Select the 'Web Link' option to make this profile a link to an external web site. Select the 'RD Web Access' option to pull the RD Web Access Windows connections into the web interface (read about the RD Web Access Editor).


The properties located inside the tabs will be described throughout the next subtopics.


Web Link section
Weblink permissions section.



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