Authentication Methods |
Thinfinity VirtualUI allows you to use the following authentication methods.
Windows Logon This option enables Active Directory credentials. This method is enabled by default.
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol and software that provides centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management for users who remotely connect to a network service, in this case the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server.
OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 (or OAuth/2) is an open standard for authorization and authentication, commonly used as a way for Internet users to log into third party websites using their social network (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.) account without exposing their password.
External DLL A custom authentication method implemented by you or a third party with our authentication API and referenced in the Thinfinity VirtualUI server.
Anonymous Authentication You can also allow users to access applications anonymously. When this access is combined with other authentication methods, the anonymous access applications will be shown along with a 'Sign in' link for users to enter credentials.
All these methods will be enabled and configured in the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Manager: choose the methods in the 'Authentication' tab and configure the mapping in the 'Mappings' subtab.