Building XML Templates

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Building XML Templates involves recognizing and telling Development Lab where the data is located as well as its attributes. In some way, we need to define what data should be considered variable and what fixed text. This can be done both automatically and manually.


Automatic recognizing is the best option to start defining a XML Template, because it will do the larger and tediuos work. However it's far beyond perfect, so you will need to make manual changes to attributes and sometimes manually redefine XML template data.


A XML Template is composed by XML Template items. Each XML Template item has an screen-area assigned as well as attributes that specifies how this item should behave at rutime.

Currently, XML Template items are divided into XML Template Fields, XML Template Tables and custom XML Template Areas.


Generating XML Fields shows you how to automatically create XML template fields.
Using the Object Inspector shows you how use the object inspector to modify attributes of XML fields.
Identifying the screen explain the importance of some fields in the XML template.
Deleting XML Template Fields shows you how to delete XML template fields.
Saving an XML Template explain how to save the XML template.
Adding XML Template Fields shows you how to add a single XML Template field.
Adding XML Template Tables shows you how to define a table.
Add custom XML Template Areas shows you how create user-defined areas to populate at runtime.