Generic XML

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By default, screen information is mapped to XML tags and attributes as described:




<direction... />

<transaction... />

<cursor_pos... />

<session... />

<state... />

<xmlscreen... />

<cursor_field... />

<timestamp... />

<status />


<rows... />

<cols... />

<type... />

<model... />


<field ...>

<name... />

<attr... />

<value... />

<field />




<fields />

<screen />



TNBRIDGE is the root tag and includes the status and screen tags as children.


status: indicates the connection status

Contains the following tags:


direction: indicates INPUT or OUTPUT direction. When the XML is generated by the XmlBroker control it is set with OUTPUT value.
transaction: indicates transaction identifier.
cursor_pos: indicates cursor location.
session: LU-LU (in session with VTAM application), noSession (not in session) or SSCPLU (in session with VTAM).
state: indicates LOCKED or UNLOCKED state.
xmlscreen: indicates the screen name. You must set this propery using the ScreenName property.
cursor_field: indicates the field's name where the cursor is located.
timestamp: indicates the date the file was created.


Screen: indicates screen's characteristics and contains a collection of screen fields.

Contains the following tags:


rows: indicates the number of rows of the screen.
cols: indicates the number of columns of the screen.
type: indicates terminal type (3270 or 5250).
model: indicates terminal model.
fields: contains a collection of fields.



Here you can see an example of XML Code:









         <xmlscreen name="Session" />










                 <field name="R01C02">

                         <name len="4">R1C2</name>

                         <attr byte="E4" eab="08" display="y" prot="y" numeric="n" intense="n" mdt="n" />

                         <value maxlen="8" len="8">KLGLGON1</value>


                 <field name="R01C11">

                         <name len="5">R1C11</name>

                         <attr byte="E4" eab="28" display="y" prot="y" numeric="n" intense="n" mdt="n" />

                         <value maxlen="13" len="13">-------------</value>





