XML Templates

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What is an XML Template?


By default, Host Integration Pack provides a generic XML representation. Because this generic XML contains  complete screen information it is useful to recreate a screens on the comsumer side. However, when it comes to real business information, it doesn't provides a real advantage regarding to accessing screen data directly.


Using Develpement Lab you have the possibility to generate XML Templates containing the necessary information to create tags and attributes representing the screen information as you perceive it, rather than using protocol data.

This result in a much more legible and understandable XML file.


In this chapter we will analyze:


Enabling Template Mode explains how to activate XML Template's functionalities.
Building an XML Template shows how to persist data fields to an XML Template file.



Example XML generated file


         Host Integration Pack TN Bridge Vb.net C# Delphi ActiveX Development Lab Example XML Generated File


You have now generated a nice readable XML Template file.