Programming Reference

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Just like in previous versions of TN Bridge, when working with profiles, you can operate with a single or several files. Main difference in this version is that subkeys are fixed. When you set the StreamingType property of the TNBProfiles component to XML value, subkeys will be predetermined tags, and the Key will be TNBRIDGE tag, that is the root.


The following is the tags' hierarchy we will use:





<Host ... />

<Display ... />





<Connections />




<Font ... />

<General />



<Input ... />

<Output ... />

<FieldMap />




<FieldMapping />

<ScreenStyle />




<ScreenStyles />




<FunctionKey ... />

<MappedKey ... />

<KeyMap />




<KeyboardMap />







<HotSpot ... />

<HotSpotsGroup />




<HotSpots />



<Action ... />

<Macro />




<TnbMacros />