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In the 'Font' tab you will find the following parameters:



TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Screen Styles Font Name Script Monospaced Occidental Fixed Size Point Character Spacing Line Zoom Factor




Allows you to choose a font from the list of installed fonts. If the Monospaced option is checked, only monospaced fonts will be listed.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Note


Monospaced fonts are those in which all characters have the same width.



Choose a code page for the selected font.



Allows you to specify the size (in points) of the selected font. If the Fixed size option is checked, the screen font won't be resized when modifying the size of the window.


Character Spacing

Allows you to vary the character spacing of the selected font.


Line Spacing

Allows you to vary line spacing for the screen style.


Zoom Factor (%)

Allows you to choose a level of zoom that will be applied in the emulation to each character of the font.