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The ApiKey is a secret value, known only by z/Scope Anywhere and the corporate application that connects to it.

By sending the apikey, the corporate application is indicating that the user is valid and s/he is logged on the corporate network properly, so that the password would not be required. This method is useful for applications that do not keep the users passwords and only authenticate its users against windows or a network Active Directory Server.


The ApiKey is a configurable value. It is set in the z/Scope Anywhere ini configuration file. The location of this file depends on the Windows version z/Scope  Anywhere is running at:


Windows 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Cybele Software\ThinZS\ThinZS.ini

Windows 2008: C:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\ThinZS\ThinZS.ini


Inside the ini file, the apikey information should be append following format below:



Key = 3884F316-3429-49A0-9282-AF0C52B62107


You should use a personal value for the apikey setting, as long as it follows the pattern shown above and matches the value send by the external application that will authenticate against z/Scope Anywhere Server.

Do not use this apiKey value shown above, once this is a public document accessible to everyone.


If the ApiKey does not exist in the configuration file, the server creates a random ApiKey value the first time it starts.



Key = 3884F316-3429-49A0-9282-AF0C52B62107



Use the IPList parameter to limit to a list the ip addresses authorized to make calls using this apikey. In the absence of the IPList parameter, all uncategorized ips will be allowed access through this Api Key.


Read more:

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
Building the Query String
Using z/Scope Anywhere In-Memory Dictionary
Integrating a Login Macro
C# External Authentiation Demo
Web Authentication Provider