Using z/Scope Anywhere in-memory dictionary

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z/Scope Anywhere includes an in-memory dictionary to save name-value pairs that can be accessed from within the application.

In order to save name-value pairs into the internal in-memory dictionary, make an https request as follows:




In this example, name1 is the variable that corresponds to value1. You can use the "name1", "name2", etc variable names within z/Scope Anywhere and set their values (value1, value2, etc) through the URL depending on where you access from or who is the user.


In order to receive name-value pairs, z/Scope Anywhere requires that you identify through a session id to associate to the name-value pairs using this parameter:

_sessionid: a string identifying the session. It will be used as a key to store and further use of the name-value pairs, making them available from different browsers.


These variables will be available in the in-memory dictionary for as long as you determine in the configuration file using the SessionVar.Timeout variable. Here is an example configuration file (ThinZS.ini). Learn more about the configuration file.







The SessionVar.Timeout variable expresses the maximum time allowed in minutes since the last access to a stored variable, after which this variable is cleared.


This means that, in this example, the variable will remain in z/Scope Anywhere's in-memory dictionary for as long as 30 minutes after the last time it is used. When 30 minutes have passed since the last access to the variable, it will be cleared.


Learn how to use these in-memory dictionary name-value pairs in z/Scope Anywhere with a login macro example.


Read more:

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
Building the Query String
Integrating a Login Macro
C# External Authentiation Demo
Web Authentication Provider