Changing Permissions by Using Custom Settings

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The connParams attribute is a hierarchical substructure inside customSettings.


The following table shows the current available connParams settings:



Force z/Scope Anywhere to use Ajax by setting this parameter to true.



The permissions attribute is a hierarchical substructure inside customSettings. The first attribute level inside permissions will be applied to all users. A second attribute level, inside the anonymous attribute, will be applied only to users accessing z/Scope Anywhere without authentication. The settings for unauthenticated users will override the global permissions values for users that access without authentication.



The following table shows the current available permission settings:



Toggles the visibility of the button that accesses Profile Settings.


Toggles the visibility of the macro options in the menu.


Toggles the visibility of the file transfer options in the menu.


Toggles the visibility of the screen print option in the menu.


Toggles the visibility of the keypad options.



Read more:

The customSettings configuration object
Custom Settings Example