The customSettings Configuration Object

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The customSettings object is a JSON structure placed within the customsettings.js file, which is included in the z/Scope Anywhere installation. You can find it in the installation directory, inside the 'webzs' folder. This javascript file is loaded when z/Scope Anywhere is opened in the browser. Like any other javascript file, you can open it with any text editor, like notepad.

By default, the customSettings object is empty.


var customSettings = {


Some of the settings specified in this file can conflict with those set in the configuration manager. In this case, the custom settings will override the manager’s profile object attributes.


Note: The custom settings will apply to all sessions. Also, bear in mind that having the configuration in a file that is not seen in the Manager interface might lead to misinterpretation.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to always use the z/Scope Anywhere Configuration Manager for configuring profiles. The use of this file is recommended only for situations when many profiles are already created and it would take too long to modify them all.


Read more:

Changing permissions by using customSettings
Custom Settings Example