Configure HTTP Error Responses

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You can access configuration for the HTTP Error response pages by pressing this button:



which you will find in the Gateway manager General tab, when the protocol is set to HTTPS.


You will be presented with the following dialog:



Status Code

This numeric code indicates the status of the response when a browser tries to connect to z/Scope Anywhere. The error responses may be displayed in the client browser.

The HTTP status code may indicate whether a request is successful or unsuccessful, and may also reveal the exact reason that a request is unsuccessful.



Shows the path to the error file that will show in case of a particular status code. The default path is the 'webzs' directory in the z/Scope Anywhere installation directory.



Shows the z/Scope Anywhere action in the event of an error status code:

- Send file: z/Scope Anywhere will show an error page located physically in the server's computer.

- Redirect: z/Scope Anywhere will redirect the page to any web page indicated in the configuration.



Press this button to add a new Custom Error page. Read more about this below.



Press this button to edit an existing Custom Error Page. Read more about this below.



Press this button to remove a selected Custom Error Page.


If you choose to add or edit a Custom Error Page, you will be presented with the following dialog:



Status Code

Enter the Status Code that you want to configure.


Response Action

Choose whether z/Scope Anywhere will show a page that is stored locally or will redirect the user to another web page.


Insert Content from file into the error response

Choose this option if you want z/Scope Anywhere to show a static page locally stored in your z/Scope Anywhere server. Complete the file path by selecting the file you want to show with the button.


Response with a 302 redirect

Choose this option if you want z/Scope Anywhere to redirect users to a web page. Type the Absolute URL to this web page in the field below


Press OK to save the changes.