Setting up a UNIX/VT/SSH Connection

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This page will guide you through the process of creating a UNIX/VT/SSH connection using the web user interface.




Inform the 'Connection Name' and select 'VT' as the 'Protocol'. You can also better describe the connection by filling the 'Description' field.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation VT100 UNIX Telnet Connection Name Protocol Description




In this tab, you must enter the URL or IP address of the host you want to connect to. If you would like to specify a different port than the default Telnet port (23), inform it on the 'Port' field.

You may check the option SSH. In that case, read the Connection with SSH topic.



Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation VT100 UNIX Telnet Connection Host SSH Keep Alive SSL FireWalla


Display Type


Under the 'Display' tab, specify the display type and size.


Web-based HTML5 Terminal Emulation VT100 UNIX Telnet Connection Display ANSI String DEC Answerback AutoWrap Dimensions Scrolling



After that, click on 'Apply' to save the connection, or click on 'Connect' if you want to connect only for this time.


Related items:

Editing a UNIX/VT Connection
Creating a Connection