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On the main page bottom you will find the Start Page toolbar:


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Start Page Toolbar


The Start Page toolbar includes:


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Start Page Toolbar Show Hide Button

Show/Hide Toolbar

This is button shows and hides the toolbar. Click on it and you will se

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Start Page Toolbar Open Sessions Button

Open sessions

This button presents a list with all open sessions. Observe on the image above the three active sessions shown. If you have active sessions, click on one of them to have it opened on your web browser.


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Start Page Connection Buttons