Web Auth Provider

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In the 'Web Auth Provider' tab you will find the following parameters:



Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Server Settings Statistics Allowed Users Groups Analytics


Enable External Web Authentication Provider

Check this option to use an external web authentication provider.


Request Method

Select the HTTP method with which you want to communicate with the validation URL.


Validation URL

Complete the validation URL. This is the URL that z/Scope Anywhere will make a call to in order to validate the user.


This URL requires authentication

Check this if the validation URL requires authentication and complete the credentials. These credentials will be used to log in to the validation URL.



Read More:

Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Communication Settings
Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Profiles Settings
Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Authentication Settings
Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Permissions Settings
Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Migration Settings
Configuration Manager - Server Settings - Licenses Settings
Web Authentication Provider
External Authentication