Connections Management

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The Connection Management feature allows assigned users to administrate the connections by viewing, deleting and disconnecting its active sessions.


View Modes


The Connection Management panel features two view modes:


By User

The information on this view mode is grouped first by User and all the active sessions are organized per Browser and the Source Computer. Each active session presented will give you information regarding the kind of host, host name and address and also the date and time the session was established.


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation Connections Management by User



By Host

The information on the Host view mode is grouped by Host and then all the active sessions are organized per Browser and Source Computer. Each active session presented will give you information regarding the application user and also the date and time the session was established.


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation Connections Management by Host



Managing sessions


The user assigned to manage connections will be able to "Disconnect" and "Delete" active session.



Refreshes the screen with updated connection data.



The "disconnect" button will disconnect the session from the host it is currently connected. After that, the session screen will be kept open to the user, so that he has the possibility to re-connect again.



The "delete" button will delete the selected session. This means that the session will be disconnected from the host and the user session screen will be closed. If the user is with this session currently open, he/she will be redirected to the Start page.


Delete All

The "delete all" button will perform the same action as the "delete" button, with the difference that it will delete all the existing sessions for a specific host or from a specific user, depending on the view mode (By User/By Host) selected at the moment.





The Filters column allows you to select only some active sessions. You can select the sessions by User and by Host.



Type in the username or part of it, to restrict the sessions by this criteria.



Select one of the listed hosts to have the sessions view restricted by one specific host.



Once you have entered the user or/and selected the host, press the Apply button and the sessions will be selected using the specified parameters.



Related Topics


Log & Statistics
Permissions Settings