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The Start Page and all the currently open sessions work as pages in which you can navigate through.


Right Navigation:


If you position the mouse on the rightmost area of the Start Page screen you will see a gray band with a arrow in the middle.

Click on that area to navigate through the open sessions. Observe that that last session will not have a right navigation arrow.


Start page

Older session

Most recent session

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Start Page

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Older Session

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Most Recent Session




Left Navigation:


Once you are in any Connection Session, you may navigate to the left in order to go from this session through the oldest ones, until getting back to the Start Page.

To navigate left, you should position the mouse on the leftmost area and click on the gray band that will be presented.


Most recent session

Older session

Start page

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Most Recent Session

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Older Session

Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Navigation Start Page



On mobile devices this same navigation can be done using the "right-flick" and "left-flick" gestures.