Using HotSpots

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The HotSpots that you created for a particular screen will appear directly on that screen in an in-line manner, as you can see in the screenshots below.



Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation HotSpots Example Button Link



The way HotSpots appear on the screen depends on the display format specified in the Style tab in HotSpot Settings.



Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation Attention

In order to be able to use your HotSpot within a connection, you must first enable the HotSpot for that particular connection from the Settings Preferences Tab (3270, 5250) or Settings Preferences Tab (VT).



Related Topics:

Enabling HotSpots
Hotspots Settings
Creating/Editing a HotSpot