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To add a new YMODEM File Transfer Job to the Queue, follow these steps:


1. Open the Connection to the host you want to make a file transfer with.


2.        Click on the File Transfer bottom context menu item.



Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation Manager Queue YMODEM File Transfer Button

File Transfer

Click to have access to the "File Transfer" Manager.



3. If you are going to make an upload, remember to first upload the file into z/Scope Anywhere Server, on the Files tab.


4. Go to the Queue tab and click on the Add button, to insert a new job to the Static Queue.



Type tab:


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation File Transfer Manager Queue YMODEM Type Protocol Direction Associate with Connection




Select the YMODEM protocol.



The Direction indicates if you are setting a download (RECEIVE) from the host to z/Scope Anywhere Server, or an upload (SEND) from z/Scope Anywhere Server to the host.


Associate this file transfer with a connection

This option allows you associate the File Transfer job with one specific connection. This job will only be shown on the selected connection.



Options tab:


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation File Transfer Manager Queue YMODEM Options Protocol 128 Bytes Blocks




Choose from the combobox the specific Y-MODEM protocol you need to use: YMODEM or YMODEM-G.


128 bytes blocks

Check this option to enable the transfers using blocks of 128 bytes.


Files tab:


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 TN5250 VT100 Terminal Emulation File Transfer Manager Queue YMODEM Filename Local Remote



Local Filename

In this field you must type a name for the file stored at the remote host.


Remote Filename

In this field you must type a name for the file stored on z/Scope Anywhere Server. All the available files are listed on the Files tab.



Once you finish to set up the file transfer job, click on the "OK" button and it will be shown in the Static Queue.

In the future, whenever you need to change the File Transfer settings you can select this job and click the Queue 'Edit' button.