Print Job Queue

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The Print Job Queue interface consists of four main elements. Each one of them is briefly described in this topic.



TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Printer Session Panel Tabs Main Toolbar Job Queue Status Bar


Printer Session Tabs


The Printer Session Tab Selection Toolbar is intended to quick access to all active printer sessions. Consult the main Tab Selection Bar topic for more information on the tabbed interface functioning.



Main Printer Toolbar


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Connect Disconnect Button


Use this button to connect or disconnect the active printer session.

TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Connect Disconnect Button


Click on the arrow to unfold a list of all existing printer connections.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Delete Button


Use this button to delete the selected print job from the Print Job Queue.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Save Button


Use this button to save the current print job queue to a file.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Print Button


Use this button to print the selected print job.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Page Setup Button

Page Setup

Use this button to display the 'Printer Parameters' dialog.


TN3270 TN5250 VT Terminal Emulation z/Scope Telnet Workspace Main Printer Toolbar Hold Printing Button

Hold Printing

Use this button to pause printing.



Print Job Queue


The Print Job Queue shows information about each print job that was initialized within the current connection.


Document column

The Document column shows the name of the print job.


Progress column

The Progress column shows the current status of the print job.


Started At column

The Started At column shows the date and time at which the print job was started.


Size column

The Size column shows the size of the print job.



Status Bar


The Status Bar gives you real-time information about the status of several relevant parameters of the current Print Job. The information displayed in the Status Bar is visible to the user at all times, thus providing a constant update on several useful parameters and settings.