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 In the 'Communication' tab you will find different parameters depending on your installation choices.


Server mode installation


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Server Settings Communication Bind Ip Protocol Port HTTPS Certificate SSL




Network ID

The network ID identifies this installation. z/Scope Anywhere Servers that want to share their resources through one or more Gateways must match their Network ID.

Press this button to see and/or change the Network ID. The default value is a random string but you can change it to something more descriptive.


Gateway List

A list of the gateways that a user can connect to in order to access this server's resources. For a typical installation, with no load balancing architecture, leave it blank.



Add a new gateway to the Gateway List. Only if you will use Scaling and Load Balancing.



Remove a selected gateway from the Gateway List.


Startup processes

The number of processes that z/Scope Anywhere will start by default, as opposed to starting them on demand when a user connects. This reduces the waiting time for the user.


Processes in cache

The number of processes that z/Scope Anywhere will reserve in memory to attend new connections after the startup processes are executed.


Max users per process

The maximum number of users per process. If the total amount of connections exceeds the maximum users for all the processes, a new process is created.



Desktop mode installation


Web-based HTML5 TN3270 IBM Mainframe TN5250 IBM AS/400 VT UNIX Terminal Emulation Server Settings Communication Bind Ip Protocol Port HTTPS Certificate SSL




Bind to IP

Use this option to restrict access to the service through one specific IP. The "All unassigned" option allows access through all the possible IP's for the computer where z/Scope Anywhere is installed.



Choose between the http and https protocol. The https protocol uses SSL. Hence, it's more secure.



Choose the port number for this computer to be accessed.


Press this button to configure HTTP error responses


Press this button to access the options for replacing the default installed certificate with your own. Read more about this subject on the topic Managing the SSL Certificate.


Read more:

Server Settings - Profiles Settings
Server Settings - OAuth/2 Settings
Server Settings - OAuth/2 Users Settings
Server Settings - Permissions Settings
Server Settings - Web Auth Provider Settings
Server Settings - Migration Settings
Server Settings - Licenses Settings